972 Joburi

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Hot Software

Познакомьтесь с нами: Hot Software за динамику и открытость, поэтому в нашей компании царит предпринимательский дух, азарт и сплоченность, страсть к успеху. Мы создаём высокопродуктивную среду и не боимся преград. Мы часто выходим из своей инициативы, инициативу и настойчивость, потребность в распро...

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12 000 MDL

Мы предлагаем: Официальное трудоустройство согласно ТК РМ График работы: 5/2, с 09:00 до 18:00, Офисный режим работы Достойная заработная плата Возможности для профессионального развития Дружный коллектив и комфортная рабочая атмосфера Обязанности: Формирование технической и пользовательской докумен...

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Responsabilitati: Exercitarea managementului Biroului securitatea informațională în conformitate cu principiile, obiectivele, sarcinile și competențele entității; Organizarea, coordonarea, planificarea în scopul asigurării măsurilor de securitate a informației în cadrul Î.S. ,,Poșta Moldovei''; Asig...

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Data Engineer

Actualizat: ieri

Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 800 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe. Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in ...

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Hot Software

Познакомьтесь с нами: HOT SOFTWARE - за динамику и открытость, поэтому в нашей компании царит предпринимательский дух, сочетание азарта и сплочённости, страсть к успеху. Мы создаём высокопродуктивную среду и не боимся преград. Как и принято в стартапе, нам часто предстоит выходить из своей роли, про...

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Hot Software

Мы - молодая и перспективная компания Hot Software, ищем лучшего PM, чтобы он стал частью нашей команды и помог достичь наших амбициозных целей. Требования Знание английского B1 - B2. Знание основ Excel. Понимание основ программирования. Понимание принципов работы API*. Понимание процессов, связанны...

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.NET Software Engineer

Actualizat: ieri

Controls Tech

WHAT YOU'LL BE HANDLING Programming of individual software Customizing the system on the basis of a specification sheet Creation of system simulations Carrying out software, system and integration tests Commissioning the system on site (hardware and software) Training of system administrators, creat...

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Java Software Engineer

Actualizat: ieri

Controls Tech

WHAT YOU'LL BE HANDLING Programming of individual software Customizing the system on the basis of a specification sheet Creation of system simulations Carrying out software, system and integration tests Commissioning the system on site (hardware and software) Training of system administrators, creat...

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Misiunea rolului de Administrator System este de a asigura funcționarea stabilă, sigură și performantă a aplicațiilor într-un mediu de producție, contribuind la optimizarea și securitatea sistemelor IT maib. Competențe și abilități care te fac potrivit/ potrivită pentru această funcție: Minim 4 ani ...

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GR8 Tech

GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We ar...


Fiind pe această poziție vei fi responsabil/ă de gestionarea produselor necreditare destinate persoanelor juridice, identificând soluții pentru optimizarea proceselor și îmbunătățirea produselor. În acest rol vei avea următoarele sarcini: Gestionarea produselor necreditare (plăți în valută SWIFT, di...

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About the Role The main responsibility of System and Network Engineer will be to maintain stable operations of the company network environment and provide optimal network performance for our customers. The Engineering team forms the primary point of contact for all types of networking issues. As a N...

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Frontend Developer

Actualizat: ieri

About Us: Frank Technology, a new Tunetanken branch in Moldova, is a company that develops, produces, and markets a large number of different products manufactured wholly or partly in fibre-reinforced composite materials. Here in Moldova, we work to support the activity of the parent company and to ...

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Location: Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania, and Central Europe Purcari Wineries Group is a leading wine producer in Central Europe, with operations spanning Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania, and beyond. We are renowned for our commitment to excellence and innovation in the wine industry. As we continue to grow,...

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System Analyst

Actualizat: ieri

We're Route One Group, the team known for orchestrating seamless cargo transport across the U.S. nation. We are proud to be a trustworthy employer having the best interest in our employees. Our aim is to guide our colleagues, so they can grow together with our company. We're looking for the System A...

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Внимание: место работы г. Бельцы! Обязанности: Установка и настройка серверов и сетевого оборудования; Мониторинг работы серверов, сетей и других системных ресурсов для обнаружения и устранения возможных проблем; Управление пользователями и их доступом к системам и данным; Установка и обновление про...

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Data Engineer | IT

Actualizat: ieri


Suntem în căutarea unui Data Engineer talentat și orientat către rezultate pentru a se alătura echipei noastre inovatoare de inginerie a datelor. Dacă deții experiență solidă în manipularea și transformarea eficientă a datelor, te invităm să aplici pentru această oportunitate captivantă. În acest ro...

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В 2017 году мы основали стартап в Молдове - детскую IT академию, где обучаются дети от 5 до 17 лет. Сегодня у нас 80+ филиалов в 20 странах, и вы можеет стать частью этого крутого проекта. Мы ищем преподавателей программирования для детей и подростков, готовых посвятить себя развитию наших учеников ...

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DevOps Engineer

Actualizat: ieri

Allied Testing

Allied Testing is a leading specialist QA and Testing firm with focus on the finance industry. As a member of our DevOps team, you will be immersed in a collaborative, innovative and technically challenging environment. SKILLS REQUIRED: Puppet and/or Jenkins Github Good English communication (writte...

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GR8 Tech

GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We ar...

Мы ищем талантливого Laravel разработчика для присоединения к нашей команде по разработке и поддержке аналитического инструмента для продавцов на маркетплейсах Wildberries и Ozon - sellerdata.ru. Sellerdata - это быстрорастущий сервис аналитики прибыли с дополнительными инструментами для продавцов м...

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About Roslin Roslin is a technology-enabled business services company. We specialize in improving business performance for some of America’s largest ground transportation providers. Every day our team delivers a next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect wi...

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Head of NOC I IT

Actualizat: ieri


The mission of NOC Leaderis to ensure continuous availability and optimal performance of the IT infrastructure by effectively managing networks, servers, storage systems, and critical platforms. This involves monitoring and managing the technological infrastructure to prevent disruptions, resolving ...

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GR8 Tech

GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We ar...

GR8 Tech

GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We ar...

OTP Bank S.A.

Ce ai de făcut: Contribui activ la proiectarea și implementarea soluțiilor tehnice, împreună cu echipa din care faci parte; Propui îmbunătățiri/dezvoltari ale sistemelor existente și urmărești proiectele de la stadiul de pregătire a specificațiilor până la faza de stabilizare; Colaborezi cu furnizor...

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GR8 Tech

GR8 Tech is a global product company that provides innovative, scalable platforms and business solutions for the iGaming industry. We have great experience: GR8 Tech platform successfully handles millions of active players and offers best practices to develop and grow in the gambling industry. We ar...

Java Software Developer

Actualizat: ieri

We are ISD, collaborating closely with our partners from Inther Group in the Netherlands, to develop cutting-edge Warehouse Management Systems. Now, we are looking for a skilled and driven Java Software Developerto join our team. You will play a key role in designing and developing new modules while...

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Senior Python Developer

Actualizat: ieri

ISD, a team of 60+ dedicated professionals, delivers sophisticated solutions to global market leaders, covering inventory management, warehouse automation, invoicing, farm automation, engineering cost estimation, and real estate consulting. Our projects leverage top programming languages - Java, .NE...

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Alătură-te echipei noastre tehnice și contribuie la construirea unui ecosistem bancar modern, sigur și performant! Competențe și abilități care te fac potrivit/ potrivită pentru această funcție: Experiență de minimum 3 ani în administrarea sistemelor Linux (RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu etc.); Cunoștințe a...

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Responsabilități: Identifică, înregistrează, clasifică și analizează incidentele de securitate cibernetică; Elaborează rapoarte cu privire la incidentele de securitate cibernetică și de scanare de securitate cibernetică; Monitorizează și efectuează scanări ale incidentelor de Securitate cibernetică ...

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iOS Developer

Actualizat: ieri

Brilic Media
De la 2 000 Până la 3 000 EUR

Brilic Media: Simple Apps, Big Impact Brilic Media began in 2018 as a small startup with big dreams — creating mobile apps that make life easier. Today, over 50 million people use our apps to simplify their daily routines! Vision: To be a global leader in mobile app development, offering innovative,...


Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider. Through our dedication to customer-centric innovation and strong partnerships, we have established end-to-end capabilities and strengths across the carrier networks, enterprise, consumer, and cloud computing fields. We are committed to creating maxi...

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IT Support Engineer

Actualizat: ieri


Working in a fast-paced, constantly evolving environment, you will be responsible for providing a high level of customer service and hands-on support. This is a fantastic opportunity to join an ambitious company operating at the forefront of their industry and play a key role in ensuring the success...

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Required Technical skills: Solid experience developing applications using popular Java frameworks (Spring / JPA) Proven experience applying OOP, design patterns, SOLID, etc. Experience designing and querying relational databases (MySQL, etc.) Experience with GIT Experience implementing/using RESTful...

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Actualizat: ieri

Hot Software

Get to know us: HOT SOFTWARE stands for dynamism and openness, that is why our company is dominated by an entrepreneurial spirit, a combination of passion and solidarity, a passion for success. We create a highly productive environment and are not afraid of obstacles. We often have to step out of ou...

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Departamentul Audit Intern dă asigurări și oferă servicii de consiliere independente și obiective, menite să aducă o valoare adăugată și să contribuie la îmbunătățirea activităților BNM. Direcția audit tehnologii informaționale, în calitate de unitate structurală a DAI, este responsabilă de derulare...

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De la 2 000 Până la 5 000 EUR

В HOICK мы нацелены на достижение новых вершин. Мы ценим креативность, настойчивость и инновации, искренне веря в то, что командная работа — ключ к новым достижениям. Наша молодая и быстро развивающаяся компания уже сотрудничает с ведущими мировыми телекоммуникационными операторами. Что вы будете де...

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Synergy M&M SRL
De la 5 000 Până la 15 000 MDL

Мы готовим детей к успешной карьере в IT! Ищем увлеченного преподавателя, который станет наставником нового поколения. ВАШИ ЗАДАЧИ: Обучение детей 5-18 лет программированию Проведение групповых занятий по готовым методикам ОЖИДАЕМ ОТ ВАС: Умение объяснять сложное простыми словами Любовь к работе с д...

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Product Manager

Actualizat: ieri


Simpals — это крупнейшая доска объявлений, детальная карта Молдовы, замечательные мультфильмы, свежие новости, эффективная реклама, востребованные во всем мире девайсы для плавания и фридайвинга, онлайн сервис продажи билетов, озеленение и роспись города и самые грандиозные спортивные ивенты страны....

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Grawe Carat

GRAWE CARAT Asigurări își extinde echipa și caută un Ofițer de Securitate a Informației și Audit IT, un profesionist dedicat care să asigure conformitatea, securitatea și eficiența sistemelor noastre informatice și informaționale. Noi îți vom încredința: Monitorizarea și respectarea standardelor int...

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Ищем опытного Java-developer-a (уровень Middle или выше) для разработки и поддержки решений в сфере умного дома и систем BMS (Building Management System). Если вы готовы к интересным задачам и хотите применять свои навыки в области IoT, мы ждем вас в нашей команде! Обязанности: Разработка и доработк...

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Echipa departamentului audit intern este în căutarea unui coleg pentru poziția de auditor TI. Obiectivul postului este participarea la atingerea scopului de bază al funcției de audit intern, care constă în evaluarea independentă, imparțială și obiectivă a suficienței și eficienței cadrului de admini...

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Actualizat: ieri


Illustrator Company Description: We are an innovative company dedicated to affiliate marketing and technology. We are looking for an experienced 2D Illustrator, passionate about digital art and creating immersive worlds for games. If you have a unique artistic vision and experience in illustration a...

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DevOps Engineer

Actualizat: ieri


Company Description: We are an innovative affiliate marketing company, specialized in IT solutions and mobile application development. With a dedicated team of professionals, we provide scalable and impactful solutions tailored to market needs. If you want to be part of an innovative team and contri...

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Unity Developer

Actualizat: ieri


Company Description: We are an innovative affiliate marketing company, specializing in IT solutions and mobile applications development. With a dedicated team of professionals, we provide scalable and impactful solutions tailored to market needs. If you want to be part of an innovative team and cont...

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QA Engineer

Actualizat: ieri


Company Description: We are an innovative affiliate marketing company, specializing in IT solutions and mobile application development. With a dedicated team of professionals, we provide scalable and impactful solutions tailored to market needs. If you want to be part of an innovative team and contr...

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We are looking for a Mid-Level Front-End Developer with expertise in Vue.js and Nuxt.js and working knowledge of ASP.NET to contribute to building innovative and scalable web applications. This role requires someone who can take ownership of tasks, collaborate across teams, and consistently deliver ...

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Hot Software

Get to know us: HOT SOFTWARE stands for dynamism and openness, that is why our company is dominated by an entrepreneurial spirit, a combination of passion and solidarity, a passion for success. We create a highly productive environment and are not afraid of obstacles. We often have to step out of ou...

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Brilic Media
De la 2 500 Până la 3 500 EUR

Brilic Media: Simple Apps, Big Impact Brilic Media began in 2018 as a small startup with big dreams—creating mobile apps that make life easier. Today, over 50 million people use our apps to simplify their daily routines! Vision: To be a global leader in mobile app development, offering innovative, u...

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